Sunday, December 8, 2013


Israel's naval blockade astoria between them and the foreigners who want to drill where activists astoria sailed by boat. ... Israel's blockade of Gaza, seeking to pierce the domestic and foreign activists, sailed by boat. Israel's Gaza Palestinians at sea more "6 astoria miles that allows for" the blockade in order to break the Palestinian flags into the sea tens of activists, anti-Israeli chanting from the international community "Palestinian freedom" protection was requested. The organizers of the "Intifada Youth Coalition" spokesman astoria İşrag Mahmoud regarding their actions said: "Palestinian youths and foreign activists, with the support of Israel's 6 miles forbidden to pierce the port of Gaza from the open sea. Palestinian youth to the world 'Here occupation and blockade the locals there. Human rights astoria protected alleged in the civilized world starving people there 'to convey the message you want. Palestinian astoria people, the embargo astoria in breaking astoria the rights to get back and Jerusalem as its capital, which establish an independent state and insist on. the United Nations' embargo on Gaza is illegal, the human is not a' decision application call 're doing. " Israel interference signal the other hand, Israeli army radio the statement made by the Navy's "Gaza territorial waters of Israel's blockade to break the disappearance planned, activists will carry fishing boats to respond to the appropriate time waits" were expressed. The Oslo agreement signed in 1993 between astoria the two sides, Palestinian fishermen hunting predicts up to 20 miles offshore. However, the people of Gaza, allowing more than 6 miles to sail up to Israel, and sometimes it is downloading up to 3 miles. Approximately 40 thousand astoria people, which provides a living from fishing in Gaza, Israel's "6 miles sanctions", this sector substantially adversely affect astoria employees.
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