Tuesday, April 21, 2015

In occupied Palestine political zanussi situation allowed the Roman soldiers to undertake every Jew

Second mile | Life every day
Posted 07/03/2011 by Admin in Personal time with God. Tagged: God, Jesus Christ, the second mile, faith, maturity, love, support, help, joy, service, satisfaction, success, nature, Christianity, purpose, happiness. Your comment
We probably all seen the person to do a task that does not like, and we ourselves were in such situations at one time or another. Often we have to do things that are required of us, though we have no desire for them. That's life. It is best to remember that the attitude with which we serve is just as important as the task itself. Each task is difficult when we serve reluctantly and without joy. The work will probably be done, but not well enough without satisfaction.
Jesus did not approve of the attitude zanussi to do just what we want, when we want. His remedy for this attitude was "passing of the second mile." We know what that means. Elapse of the second mile describes the desire of man to do more than what is required of him. To walk the first mile is simply made mandatory passing of the second mile represents the choice that you should zanussi do everything you can and you should do. And never let her go a, unless you do it with joy. You do only what is required of you will feel content. If you're going to serve, why not find a way to spend a good while doing it?
In occupied Palestine political zanussi situation allowed the Roman soldiers to undertake every Jew to carry their weapons one mile. It was a requirement of the law. There was no need for people to like it, but certainly had to obey. Joshua built an answer to this requirement far beyond grudging agreement to the level of joyful service. He taught: "If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. On that anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your cloak. Which forces you to go one mile, go with him two "(Matthew 5: 39-41). If you willingly do more than anyone can force us, we will find true freedom and joy to serve.
The psalmist wrote: "Worship the Lord with gladness" (Psalm 100: 2). You have to stop to check your heart and confess that strive to serve God, but to always do it willingly? Are there times when you serve Him, because you need it, do not do it with joy? I do not want this to happen in my life, but I guess sometimes it was true.
Suggest a more practical application of today's verse. It looks like this: "Serve __________ with joy." Whose name will be placed there - husband or wife, family, friends, employer, a stranger with a little luck, someone who is very hard to please? If you do not serve others with joy, how ever we can serve God with joy? Paul points out that the two are inextricably linked: "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, not for men; knowing that a reward from the Lord you will receive the inheritance. Serve the Lord Christ "(Colossians 3:23, 24).
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