Wednesday, June 18, 2014

There will be a free and a paid version of pas4ios. In the free version you can program for the IOS

Hello, I have long employs me with the fiery components for IOS, but the performance of the ListView or ScrollBox was not sufficient. Then I made myself 1 year ago to the complete redevelopment of native iOS components. These should run under Lazarus and Free Pascal for Mac and marketed commercially spare parts upon completion. The result was a mammoth project for Lazarus has been slightly adapted the IOS development. With the zustzlichen program Xcodebuilder you can quickly spare parts create a new project for Lazarus and Xcode. When you start the app with Lazarus is the IOS simulator automatically started and placed in the foreground. In the source code can as usual be set breakpoints to debug this app. There is a Autovervollstndigung spare parts the source code and hints that explain the respective command. In the project options, you can switch between iPhone and iPad. Here is a video showing these features. The inheritance of components spare parts (pas4ios) have been taken over for the most part from the original. So the commands. Objective-C (Objective-Pascal) UIObject -> UIResponer -> UIView -> UILabel components pas4ios TObject> pmUIObject -> pmUIResponer -> pmUIView -> pmUILabel Fri database connection can use Zeos, Kbmmemtable, Omnixml, Anydac or other . Which has been done: complete kit for Mac. Several examples of 80% of the most important components XcodeBuilder (to create Xcode projects and Lazarus) What else is needed beta testers. Help Further components. Here you can download the first demo. Lauffhig on Mac Lion or HHer + Xcode 4.4 or higher.
Now I have coupled the Interface Builder of Xcode with Lazarus spare parts and the pas4ios components. So you can easily spare parts create its own surface finish with the original IOS components. Check out the video on Youtube:
# 5
There will be a free and a paid version of pas4ios. In the free version you can program for the IOS simulator. Disadvantage -> because the source code is not supplied, the complete lack Autovervollstndigung by the code. Unfortunately I have no solution found DAFR. With the paid version, you can then program both on Lazarus as well as Xcode and compiling. Since I still beta tests, I can answer spare parts the question of the license until later (it is still working). I see Mobile Studio not as competition. These works, as far as I know, exclusively with FireMonkey components. pas4ios uses the original IOS components. These are to experience, very fast and ideal for the touch screen. Meli
These works, as far as I know, exclusively with FireMonkey components. pas4ios uses the original IOS components. and therefore only work on iOS. FM applications can be yes also for Windows / MacOSX and Android kompillieren (other platforms not excluded). I dignity compare the project rather with MonoTouch with Oxygene.
Hi, The problem with the Autovervollstndigung the source code I have solved. MonoTouch with Oxygene can not compare with pas4ios you. For a better understanding mchte I stress again that this type to develop IOS apps very easy and I think-is unique because: Pascal is easier to learn how Objective-C. Optimized touch behavior when writing professional applications (Opposite universal surfaces such as web-based or FM2). Pascal connoisseurs can continue to work with many well-known components spare parts such as kbmmemtable, OmniXML, Zeos, Anydac and many more. Fast compilers test the apps. (Xcode needs with Objective-C lnger) SPEED. FREE version to develop on the simulator. With an XML file, you can create your own options, see: Appendix And and and. Yes, pas4ios is exclusively for iOS (hence the name). However, it is already working on an Android spare parts version, this is called pas4android. Both versions will have a zustzliche spare parts common components collection. In the next few days, the free version is of pas4ios to my website are Verfgung (currently still beta). Meli
Hmm .... I'm also total FM opponents spare parts (native ftw), therefore advance a plus Lazarus spare parts is since version 1 on the Mac ne-rounded, therefore a second plus your arguments I do not completely so - Objective-C is to learn a valuable views about the addition Pascal bigger, purely for the simulator you can develop free with Objective-C ... But I just wrote until my first iOS application in Objective-C after me alternatives, the

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