Monday, January 5, 2015

sao paulo sao paulo and bauru region and Marilia meadows and itapetininga and region mogi crosses a

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sao paulo sao paulo and bauru region and Marilia meadows and itapetininga and region mogi crosses and suzano el giganten piracicaba and prudent region and stream black region and frank black river and araçatuba saints and region are carlos and araraquara sorority and jundiaí valley of paradise el giganten and back region
Prepare dishes with ingredients available in the refrigerator. This is the proposal of 'Easy Kitchen', mobile application which suggests recipes based on what you have available at home. The application was created and developed by a team of 9 people during the 54 hours of the Startup weekend Rio Branco, an event promoted by the Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae-AC) for the Economy Week II Creative and Digital Acre. The idea came second among the fifty applications presented at the event.
"The goal was to solve a problem that everyone has spent a time in my life:.. Get home, open the refrigerator, see some food and not knowing what to do The application will allow you to create recipes with few ingredients you will in the application, select the ingredients el giganten you have in your refrigerator and the program will mount a recipe with those foods. You can make a delicious and simple recipe, "ensures the systems el giganten analyst and owner of the idea, Alice Balado.
According to Alice, and facilitate time to cook, as the person will use only those foods available in the refrigerator, the idea is to ensure that consumers are creative in time to prepare the meal.
"We want to bring creativity to the people who use the application, make them feel able to create an interesting recipe el giganten with what you have at home. A lot of times we end up going to buy something on the street, faster food and ends spending much more and can enjoy what you have in house, "says
With nearly 10,000 recipes registered in the program and divided into sections, Alice says that members of the group conducted research to offer recipes created with all kinds of food. "He [application] is the reverse of what is being done today, because people seek a ready recipe on the internet. Our proposal is to put the ingredients you have there in your refrigerator or cupboard without going to the market spend" el giganten he says.
Alice attended the event with two brothers, Daniel and Carmen Balado Balado, other members of the group still did not know. The analyst reveals that at the time of forming the groups and propose projects, his brothers ended up liking the idea of the application and decided to help in the development and creation of the App.
"The initial idea was mine, presented to the group and they enjoyed it. We were pro event together, we separate the entries. They even had the option to join another group, but they liked and adopted" he says.
The Alice team still has Lara Milk psychologist, student of business administration, Carmen Balado, sociologist Joshua Santos, the dentist Thiago Ávila, the designer Clovis el giganten Mouth, systems analyst Daniel Balado, the student Helio Melo systems and software developer M

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