Friday, October 11, 2013

(senza titolo)

"Siamo pervase dalla nostalgia kotsovolos per l'antica natura selvaggia.Pochi sono gli antidoti autorizzati a questo struggimento.Ci hanno insegnato a vergognarci di un simile desiderio. Ci siamo lasciate crescere kotsovolos i capelli e li abbiamo usati per nascondere i sentimenti.Ma l'ombra della Donna Selvaggia ancora si appiatta dietro di noi,nei nostri giorni,nelle nostre notti.Ovunque e sempre l'ombra che ci trotterella dietro va indubbiamente a quattro zampe".Clarissa Pinkola Estés - Donne che corrono coi lupi
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(senza titolo)
Hi, I'm Rachele from Milano by birth and from Villasanta by home. What will you find on my blogs? kotsovolos Really kotsovolos I'm not sure to know . Two souls: Minú Martini it's the first dream with the aim to show my handmade jewels...Dorina Affairs has been looking for I'ts own identity and it might never found it...but what you'll come across here it's about my interests and ispitations and have to do with life semplicity... ...I like to discover beauty wherever kotsovolos I go, I love where I live and I like to discover creative and imaginative ideas and try to do them myself. I believe in ..."Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself". Ah! Here you'll find a bit about Mister M because, wherever I go, it's my nice shadow... Visualizza il mio profilo completo
Simply a shot
Leopard… kotsovolos Is It The New Black? - This season… animal prints are on… but when aren’t they? Leopard has always been on my hit list… a touch here and there… first came the scarf, then the l...
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October giveaway: fingerless gloves from MarryGKnitCrochet - Hello, friends. We are 3 giveaways away from the grand finale of this year and right at the edge of winter. So it feels only appropriate to put a pair of w...
Jewelry Clay and Nunn Design Channel Silver Bracelet - Today's post features an idea I have been trying to work on for some time. I wanted a stone and jewel encrusted bracelet and my new samples from Nunn D...
Inside The Studio with Gaea Cannaday - The Wicked Season - Welcome kotsovolos to Inside the Studio! Each week one of our contributors gives you a sneak peek into their studio, creative process or inspirations. We ask a relat...
Woonbeurs 2013 favorites | Black + Grey + Orange - *Deens* kotsovolos was one of the first online shops I remember, selling Scandinavian design and Home decor in the Netherlands, way back when I was starting up this ...
Il Circo delle pulci prende il treno e noi con loro! - *LA BOTTEGA DI ZANZU VI ASPETTA AL PROSSIMO CIRCO DELLE PULCI.* *“Circus Station" 19 e 20 Ottobre. Via Valenza 2, Milano “E' in arrivo dal Binario 8...
Apartamento de 89m2 - imagens : Alvhem
Facebook Timeline Covers: Fashion, Sweets & Romance - Another edition of a few of my Facebook timeline covers that I've made. I like varying them on my own personal page, as well as using them for French Madam...
Movimenti dentro e movimenti fuori -
{ getting dressed with Lucia Antonelli } - *It's almost autumn,* time to put away swimsuits, pareos, flip-flops and soggy towels and get back to work... *la rentree* as the French call it... the "r...
The Wild Colonial Company… - I’ve admired the work of designer Florence Broadhurst – whose body of work is today printed by the wonderful Signature Prints – for many, many years. I’ve...
Riciclò di Gioni Cadamuro e Laura Fontanot. - *Riciclò* è il progetto di Gioni Cadamuro e Laura Fontanot. Pensando che ci sia ancora la possibilità di scegliere e di lavorare con etica e coscienza, ...
Abilmente 2013? vediamo a marzo!! - ..lo so, non è corretto farlo, spuntare così dal nulla annunciando di essere stata invitata da Abilmente come creativa del marchio Lana d'Abruzzo e con i l...
Continuate a seguirci sul Blog ufficiale di Google Italia - ** *Quest’oggi vogliamo ringraziare kotsovolos tutti gli affezionati lettori che hanno seguito questo blog per quasi sei anni e informarvi che ci trasferiamo. kotsovolos Dopo a...
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