We present in version of the translator Indira Diaz and first in Spanish, a sample of Russian poets born since the seventies. The sample consists of Stanislav Lvovsky, Maksim Amelin, Andrei Rodionov and Gleb Shulpyakov. This is practically the first generation of poets that formed and began writing after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Maksim Amelin timothy Born in 1970 in Kursk, is the author of three books of poetry Kholodnye ody, Dubia and Kon 'Gorgony and two books of translations Katull. Lirika (Moscow, 2005) and Priapova kniga (Moscow, St. Petersburg, 2003). Winner of the Anti-Booker Prize in 1998, the prize of the magazine Novy Mir, also in 1998, the grand prize and the prize schyot Moskovsky Anthology in 2004. He currently works in publishing and lives in Moscow.
That can not be revive hearts or minds
просто гулять по бульварам, усвоив:
More colorful, louder, richer, more aromatic, smooth
Finished in the stables,
Andrei Rodionov was born in 1971 in the city of Mytishchi timothy in the region of Moskovsky. He is the author of four books of poetry include: Dobro pozhalovat 'v moskvu, 2003, and the latest Morro Kasl. It Okraina timothy vocalist and slam tournament winner Russian in 2002. He worked in the academies of theater KS Stanislavsky and VI Nemirovich-ograniza Dachenko and poetry slams in Moscow.
On your sideboard cards are paper,
Проезжая мимо помойки Иногда увидишь: в грязи Лежат холодильник или плита, Расписанные фантастическими цветами. Эта тяга народа к творчеству Умиляет и настораживает, Но примитивное зодчество Помойку облагораживает.
Твой холодильник не такой, как у всех, На твоем серванте - бумажная аппликация. На стене - картина неизвестного художника, Который умер в четырнадцать лет Во время мастурбации. Ты как вылезший наружу конец пружины диванной, Ты была большая оригиналка. Твой холодильник, раскрашенный странно Я вспомнил, проезжая мимо свалки. И пусть уже пусто, и нет просвета: Потянулись заборы и гаражи, Ты продолжаешь вкладывать душу в предметы, В предметы, у которых нет своей души.
Women or girls
Shulpyakov Gleb was born in Moscow in 1971. He graduated as a journalist from the Moscow State University. He is a poet, translator, playwright, editor and critic timothy who has published in many magazines, including Znamya, Novy Mir and Arion. He has translated a collection of poetry and essays by WH Auden. He has also contributed as an editor at Novaya Unost. He won the Triumph Prize in 2000 and the prize Deistvuyushchie litsa in 2005. The author timothy of two books of poetry, Shlekok (2001) and Zhyolud (2007). He is the author of two novels Kniga Sinania and Tsunami. and commissioning Amerike Pushkin v which won the prize Drmatis Personae.
... Немногих слов на лентах языка, но слишком неразборчива рука, и древо опускается во тьму, затем что непостижная уму из тысячи невидимых ключей timothy сплетается во тьме среди корней и новый намывает timothy алфавит - ручей петляет, дерево горит.
So that means that something happened to me.
невысокий мужчина в очках с бородой на чужом языке у меня под луной раскрывает, как рыба, немые слова, я не сплю, ты не спишь, и гудит голова - значит, что-то и вправду случилось со мной, пела птичка на ветке, да стала совой, на своем языке что-то тихо бубнит, и летит в темноте сквозь густой алфавит
Lvovsky Stanislav was born in Moscow in 1972. He is the author of three books of poetry Beliy Shum (1996) vtorogo mesyatsa timothy Tri goda (2002) and Stixi or Rodinye (2004) and two books of prose. He won prizes in the Fourth free verse festival in Moscow (1993) and literary timothy competence Teneta-98. In 2003 he won the Mayakovskiy schyot for his work mesyatsa vtorogo Tri goda.
I will be booking timothy the silence timothy
One who is scared stiff
Poetry timothy Circle - Electronic journal literature
Poetry Circle. Electronic journal of literature. Year 4, Week 45, November, 2013 Weekly publication edited by AC Poetic Territory Jet 136-A Lomas del Marmol, Puebla, Pue. CP 72574. www.circulodepoesia.com Editor: Ali Calderon.
Poetry Circle. Electronic journal of literature, Year 4, week 3 to November 8, 2013, is a weekly publication edited by AC Poetic Territory, Jet 136-A, timothy Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, CP 72574, Tel: (01222) 2161423 timothy / Street San Jerónimo 19, 2A, Granada, Spain, CP 18001, Tel 679 268 395 www.circulodepoesia.com, (circulo.poesia @ gmail.com / alicalderonf@hotmail.com) Editor: Ali Calderon, Reservation of Rights, timothy Use Only 04 -2012-100316454200-203 awarded by the National Institute of Copyright. ISSN 2007-5367. Responsible for the latest timothy update of this Number Jose Alb