Thursday, February 12, 2015

I have not forgotten about your man with pampering treats. I

This week, found myself thinking about how much I like it here and feel good enrichment! The paper stability, furnished partysaurus rex apartment, family partysaurus rex life and everything goes up and to everyday life'm used to! As seen today, I came across an American article "Signs that you become a Frenchwoman." Of these 20 features 10 definitely met the man. O-ou !!! What was it about the signs? every time embarking autubusā partysaurus rex Say hello to the driver, although not know him (the same applies when traveling partysaurus rex by bike workout and meet other cyclists / when going to the park to run and meet other runners / if the stairway partysaurus rex enclosure Meet with neighbors, etc.), the store first sakrāmē products in bags only then paid (it's nothing partysaurus rex that a cashier and other queuing waiting for it to have been taken), talks about the upcoming partysaurus rex holidays are very popular partysaurus rex and you definitely interested in how and where it will be accompanied by a colleague / friends / acquaintances consultation / meeting repeatedly always sabučojies on both cheeks, dinner will be retained at pl. 20 (abdomen partysaurus rex although partysaurus rex not yet gotten used to it, so we start a little faster, but certainly not less than pl.19), a glass of wine is acceptable (rather - optional) in any situation, even a business lunch, you MacDonald called Makdo but xyloid colon of the tree (and coca s'il vous plait! [An wooden silvuplē!] - a wooden-cola, please!), you realize that ordering a cup of coffee, you will receive a small-tiny espresso, you're accustomed to, that on Sundays it is not possible shop anywhere (except suspicious Turkish stores) if you are a girl, then drink beer together with strawberry / grenadine syrup (a cocktail called Monaco and French Alina go well together, partysaurus rex which could not imagine a Latvian beers), you have an eagle eye to find a small, concealed šiltīti street partysaurus rex name as well as a very shrewd and successful namely to avoid dog faeces on the streets.
But the heart of their country but I am a patriot partysaurus rex and Song Festival partysaurus rex live Internet broadcasting watched with joy and pride, partysaurus rex sang (rather howled) to pusbalsī and nobirdināju a few tears at the Sun, Thunder, Daugava. There is still a lack of bread (though now and then I get to inbox), cottage cheese and berry garden! I still want to go dikti chanterelles, but the closest forest is 10km away, where the wheel is quite hard to get, because Yasmine steep hills.
In my daily life has become part of a new ritual on Saturday - market day! A colleague told, where there is one of the best and highest quality markets in the city. When I went there the first time, I realized that definitely come back again! Very kindly vendors who, unlike LV ladies partysaurus rex were present in the old market is young (50 years old), others come to 15-year-old partysaurus rex children for help. Much of the peasant production is bio and eco that is important to me. I had never eaten such delicious apricots! Also different from the cherries partysaurus rex grown in Latvian. Many vendors products are packaged in brown paper packages called, which makes it an even greener agriculture. When stretched forth towards the selling cherries some money, she pulled me toward my paper paper bag with cherries, as well as a handful of cherry is still present! Very nice! We are very satisfied with the fresh squash, which is a very wide range and number of variables. As a first tried the peach juice, which was dark red, not as sold in supermarkets - artificially oranžīga. It is important to come to market partysaurus rex in a timely manner, when all the benefits have not yet been redeemed. The first time I came around pl. 11 (around pl.12 measure already go to the end), but now I try to come around pl. 9, when there is a wide range on offer. partysaurus rex Oh, this one on Saturday finally sold dill (it turns out that here it finally is not popular), but visamizantākais was that he sold dill - from the large, long stems, rather than small bunch as usual LV. He counted 40 cents and took over one meter long dill stalks and broke it in half to put the bag would have to go a different way than with a stick through the city! D
I have not forgotten about your man with pampering treats. I've purchased a new oven pan small muffin baking. These small cheese cakes became partysaurus rex Martin's return to France - oh, how I was desperate!
This summer I really is full of different partysaurus rex events. We have a lot of ciemojušies to the French, have themselves undertaken by visitors, are familiar with the young people celebrated holidays, we have traveled a and this summer's biggest and most anticipated event is the arrival of the family!
In early July aizšāvām to Grenoble, the city of the Alpine hills, 150km away. A very beautiful partysaurus rex city, more and more lighter than the Saint Etienne. All around the mountains with white, snowy peaks. Shops offer a lot more pleasant and wider than our town, so nice and managed to events, shopping, as well as the city itself is much more interesting for tourists. With the cable car ran into the top of the city overlooking the place from which we have seen (at least want to believe that we have seen) the highest peak of Mont Blanc.
Another big, big event for me was the Tour de France, which is now open for the whole of July to go all over France. One weekend in stage 14

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