Monday, May 18, 2015

Looks found the reason. The system directory dangles driver software installed, the driver is busy

Iron - Error 651 | ARMA 3, Day Z Community
Availability: comp to mamma GB dzhi3 with sniper optics wafer Inet Rostelecom Prog dispensing wafers konnektifi 7 Situation in the next version, I decided to upgrade to version konnektifi 9. During the installation got out error - driver is not installed. Tried to remove, put on a new, clean the registry and so on, did not help. While missing the main Internet. Throws an error 651. I tried to remove the connection, remove the network card, restart the computer and optical modem, zero sense. In Device Manager, the miniport hang aypi6 Van, Van miniport network monitor and some sort of crap, with the status - the driver is not installed. When you try to remove nothing happens. What kind of crap, and how to return the network in operation?
The problem was solved demolition of all software and firewood for Ethernet and vayf. There was a question from konnektifi, the program does not install error when installing the driver. Tried to endure through aninstaller, clean the registry, nothing helps ...
Do I understand: you do not have a hardware router, you still resounded through the computer? If not, how often you use distribution vayf with the company? Can the program and nafig need? Rolled back on recovery point try? After all, usually when installing wood system creates these points, if not disabled. PS. A couple of times he gave vayfay with htc cherezh 3g. I put Ubuntu 10.04 on an old computer and I could not configure bluetooth (customer demand) without the Internet, an Internet and wired and things were not, that's router mode htc rescued.
pVa, sounded from the computer permanently. What hints? I know how to raise a virtual spare parts network vayfay I personally do not run it breaks off the console after every reboot, but since I'm at home in the evening and vayfay always needed, this option is not an option
Click to expand ... I understand. Many probably ate, and one screw and a second, and the third is probably fed can not imagine how to help you in addition to the banal medicines always helps (99.9999%) - rearrange the system and hints to do with, I asked. It's not often you meet people already handing out the 'Net with the company, not the hardware router.
Click to expand ... If there is built-in to the wafer mother why the router? Restoring disabled, 5 years ago, when a restore point smart-ass virus restores its copy and crapped system. Swap system no time does not desire this undertaking to kill 10 hours, I was toad presses so we will look for ways to solve the problem! PS The delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Enum \ Root \ LEGACY_CNNCTFY3? Writes error when deleting a partition.
I know how to raise a virtual network vayfay I personally do not run it breaks off the console after every reboot, but since I'm at home in the evening and vayfay always needed, this option is not an option
Garrosdan said (a):
Click to expand ... Maybe it is necessary to register yourself spare parts admin rights, although some registry keys and it does not rolls. Life can be downloaded from the SD and then to bang all the keys, with screws, with monitors. And, gentlemen, your computer is constantly in the ON state eats 100-200vt \ h router 5-20vt \ h, it is possible to calculate (router) return Anyway, I still help can not, sorry.
# 10
Click to expand ... And if not miser and buy a normal router, the "night torrent" can be removed from a computer, spare parts transferring them to download the router, and do not wake up from vzvizgivaniya fans crunch and mounting rumble shag.dvigunov screw heads.
Yes, that's the same speed so Provins rose, the night had nothing to leave all day Neeee have time ... used to be better, a whole day or even a week rocked impatiently, rubbing his hands here right now, and how to cast a spell filmets \ game and Other pleasure obtained from standby
Looks found the reason. The system directory dangles driver software installed, the driver is busy how the process does not remove. Tomorrow, I find out which prevents the removal, stripping and try again. By the way, remove the registry keys from layfsidi did not work, the program was unable to connect the registry file.
The simplest hope tried - to retrieve safe mode without loading the firewood outside, at least the network? But about Life sd not believe, in the first turn in Dir, where the registry branch lying, then start a program there (I'm on Life sd-based Linux). And before you do something with the registry, save it.
I'm losing weight expensive edition. Clean up the registry, I cleared out stale driver made through advanced deinstall aninstaller, paced the registry regorganizerom and though hell! The driver stands on even ubeysya
pVa, September 12, 2014

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