Friday, May 29, 2015

That aspect of human anatomy discussed previously is of the ordinary type and it has been studied a

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That aspect of human anatomy discussed previously is of the ordinary type and it has been studied and understood using technical apparatus. This is the gross aspect of our body. After making a pathological analysis surgeons operate the broken kleine organs. Over and above this when we talk of the conscious aspect of the human body then it definitely is both gross and subtle. It is so gross that as soon as the life force or gross body falls flat and that body which just a moment before was walking kleine and talking is now rotting away. Along with the body is so subtle that all its small / big units are joined to the cosmic consciousness. There is something present in this cosmos which they imbibe as per their capability and throw it away too. Because the individual soul is a part of the cosmic soul, the former accepts energy from it and contributes to it in its own capacity. Whenever there is a discussion of Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power) kleine there is also a description of this very subtle conscious center. For more scientific e literature pls visit and There are innumerable centers in the human body which abound in force and vital life force energy. These are sensitive spots and their total number is 700. When there is an imbalance of vital force energy kleine in these sensitive areas, health too deteriorates and thus such a person falls prey to many diseases. In the medical field these sensitive spots are given much importance. In fact the basis of Acupuncture and Acupressure methods to cure various diseases in China and Japan are these sensitive spots. The famous scientist K. Carlfried in his book "The kleine Vital Institutes of Man" writes that nerve fibers are more concentrated in these sensitive spots and not only are they in relation to one another, but also in relation to the center them. Apart from sensitive spots there are 7 other chief centers in our body is the infinite wealth of vital force energy and extrasensory potential are found albeit in a latent state. These 7 centers are called Chakras or plexuses. In these Chakras the knowledge fibers (nerves) are agitated in great measure. Chakras are present kleine at the region where our gross and subtle bodies unite. kleine The famous psychologist of Europe, Paracelsus, has called these bodily subtle centers as "Astrum" (stars) and says that these are storehouses of power. According to him through the medium of these centers energy of galaxies and other parts of the cosmos enter our body. Yogic scholars call Chakras as lotus too for eg heart lotus, navel lotus, scalp lotus etc. in the English language this lotus is called plexus and according to Japanese Zen Budhism called "Cusos". In Chinese Tao philosophy the Chakras are the union of cosmic male and female energy ie "Yang and Yin". description does subtle body given by Sir John Woodroffe in "Power as Reality" and "evam Shaakta Shakti", v Call "Mysterious Kundalini", Vol. 2of "History of Indian Philosophy by Shri Dasgupta," Tibetan Book of Great Liberation "by Evans Vantage and" Mythology of the Soul "by kleine HG Bense, is in reality kleine that which was put forward by Tantra and Yoga by Indian Rishis and philosophers. Kundalini in Ida and Pingala, Sushumna, Merudand center and 2 Mooladhar-Sahasrar kleine described in the book as Kundalyupanishad Yoga, Tantra Yogarnav, Dhyan Bindu Upanishad, Mahanirvan Tantra, kleine Shatchakra Nirupanam, Kularnav Tantra, Sharada Tilak etc. can be elucidated in a scientific language in a way very limited. Scientists kleine term Sushumna as an electric dipole. Its lower part called cada equina is full of -ve electricity and the upper half called cerebrum has + ve electricity. state of cada equina and Mooladhar Chakra is only one. As the "ascending reticular activating system" present in the cerebrum is equivalent to the Sahasrar Chakra of Yoga. In a rare situation when the flow is from the bottom to the top, he said to journey from the seed of passion to that of Brahman and it fulfilled in the Devyaan Marg in Merudand. Symbolically these parts are given various names but in reality they are present kleine as subtle electromagnetic waves. Scientists tell us that on an average there is an electric pressure of 1 lakh volt / cm in our body. Like other creatures this leaks from the genitals, skin, and breath in that order and thus gets destroyed. Only man has been blessed by God with the power of raising his soul force which has fallen in the pit of downfall. The leakage can be stopped by man and via Yogic practices of journeying from one Chakra kleine (plexus) to another the Sahasrar Kamal can be activated in the head region and thus can augment one's divine light. As mentioned before there are totally 6 Chakras. The seventh which is Sahasrar is called a 1000-petalled lotus. Over here we will give a brief description of connection of the anatomy of the human body to its corresponding Chakras. Mooladhar Chakra is located in the lower half of the Sushumna (the central canal of the spinal chord) in the area carksijial the Merudand corresponding to the central area of the perineum anal organs

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