Thursday, April 10, 2014

2014 (11) Март (4) Февраль (1) Январь (6) 2013 (71) Декабрь (5) Ноябрь (1) Сентябрь

Dawn. The sun was beginning to slowly acordar.Subindo somewhere beyond horizonte.Nadando in the cold waters of the ocean poderozo.Brilhando with thousands of small reflections, vast in its waves fortes.Eu was on the bank, with my thoughts and watched the sunrise the sun. A light breeze ruffled my thoughts cabelo.Meus fled the horizon, flying the immensity of universo.De Suddenly, I felt a pleasant coolness throughout my corpo.Este is the ocean that licked my feet, as I wanted extractor to say, "I'm so great and you do not give me attention. "He extractor licked my feet again and again I realized he was joking powerful, strong, hard comigo.Tão, bottomless, he seems gentle and soft now. Gently stroked my feet and sent me a lovely gift with color, elegantly shaped different shells. extractor I stood and admired. Provoked me to speak. extractor I comprimentei it: "Hello Ocean, thou, O mighty to caress my legs and give me gifts but who I am.?" If I go ahead and feel just like a small grain of sand in your bottom waters endless. I felt like part of their own unit. In a moment I felt like part dele.Ele took me on a cold embrace, tenderly and carinho.E suddenly one of its waves threw me hard to praia.E I maguey me banging on the sand. I screamed in pain, "Ai-ii!" And I thought you're good. I said, frowning and angry voice of. Yeah I'm extractor good, because I sent you to well.And not forget it! I could swallow you forever in my waters, but no! Because I'm good, I pushed you to terra.Sim, you You hurt yourself but it would be worse if I took you and hypocritically pretend to be good. It was necessary to throw yourself at the beach, even creating dor.A pain passa.Mas it was for your good. How wise were his words, I was taught that only those who are wise, is strong, extractor i I bowed and thanked the ocean. Now I stroked his soft curls with my hands, and he gave me back the caresses me licking my hands and my feet, a small grain of sand in this great universe. Only he who is truly strong extractor and wise and kind and gentle. Along the bank was jumping, playing, enjoying, smiling and getting his affection generosamente.Já was returning home and hear-I love you and I'll wait for you! I stopped extractor and thought, "He is so strong, powerful, unlimited, is one that absorbs large ships and even whole cities-he loves me!" I looked around, I approached him and told him: Thank you, I love you too much In response sent me a gentle wave that embraced me from head to toe!. -I will return, my kind and gentle ocean. -I will wait for thee, answered extractor me sad. -Surely you'll come back, because I love you!
2014 (11) Март (4) Февраль (1) Январь (6) 2013 (71) Декабрь (5) Ноябрь (1) Сентябрь (2) Август (4) Июль (3) Июнь (1) Апрель extractor (6) Март (49) Ранкова розмова. Думати варто завжди. На життєвих дорогах. Квіти Білі-білі. Сила Любов-то! Мій день. Бережіть кохання. Віддавай тепло любов'ю з! Привітання. Земля-матуся. Зоряне небо. Дрібний дощик. Осінь. Вітер-хуліган. Черепашка. Соnversa with ocean. Розмова з океаном. Осінній лист. Березовий гай. Народилося життя. extractor Бабусина яблуня. Прогулянка з вітром. Дощик. extractor Рома навчився. Як бути бридко злодієм ... Перше причастя. Ежик. Ходить місяць. А я люблю добро. Їжачок. Соловейку розкажи ... Я вам розповім ... Пам'яті Тараса Шевченка. Шкодуймо за гріхи. Весільне привітання. Зранена extractor душа. А я буду військовим. Моя матуся. Моя Україна. Новий рік. Дитинство extractor розсердилося. Киця. Веселий жук. Кудлатий кіт. Сонечко. Вітаймо Ісуса. Бабусин хліб. Хвалімо Господа. Починається день.

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